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Arcevia in the open air

is an itinerary that collects all the works en plein air present in the territory, collected between the 20th and the 21st century. The works, embedded in the Arcevian landscape, are visible along paths or walking through the hills. In this way you can grasp the true essence of what you admire thanks to the natural light that accentuates the sensations experienced, in harmony with the surrounding environment. To admire the many artistic traces dating back to modern and contemporary times, no entrance fee is required.

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Edgardo Mannucci


In the “”Chiostro di San Francesco is exhibited the work IDEA N.3, one of the most representative and emblematic of Edgardo Mannucci, considered one of the protagonists of European informal plastic art. The work, made of copper, brass and Murano glass, participated in the Venice Biennale in 1972, Brussels in 1973, and Rome in 1991.

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The Altarpiece of Arcevia and the Masterpieces of San Medardo

1508 - 2008 Well of San Medardo

A photographic reproduction of the central table and bezel of the “Pala di Arcevia” was created in 2009 to celebrate the temporary return to Arcevia of the central panel of the same, that is an elegant “Madonna and Saints” now exhibited at the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, work of Signorelli in 1508.

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Fragments of an unknown teaching 2008-2011 - Orodè Deoro

The hand-cut ceramic mosaic triptych (m 6,5 2,5) has been created over the years, during the participation of the Apulian artist in Ar(t)cevia-International Art Festival, and has been published on MOSAICATLAS, the online world atlas of public mosaic sites.

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World War I Memorial (1923)- Torquato Tamagnini

Complex monument made of bronze, marble and stone, which depicts a Fante protecting a woman with child (in Venafro we find a faithful copy of Tamagnini), resting on a column that lists the martyrs of the two wars. At the foot, interesting votive lamp in wrought iron, restored by Ipsia of Arcevia, built in 1941 by Getullio Simoncelli, a talented local blacksmith.

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Titalio "Spiriti del bosco"(2017)

“”Carved wood carvings on tree trunks now lifeless by the Arcevian citizen Maurizio Tisba.

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Monumento al partigiano (1964) - Romolo Augusto Schiavoni

Emblem of the Resistance of the Marches, the monument consists of a statue depicting the partisan with his weapon lowered and his gaze turned towards the place of the massacre of Monte Sant’Angelo, Casa Mazzarini, and a bronze bas-relief depicting scenes of partisan war.

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Madonna col Bambino e ai lati San Pietro e San Medardo (2009) - Bruno D'Arcevia

Fresco painted in a niche of the ancient door, in the sixteenth-century manner, where it was an old painting irremediably lost. Saint Medardo is the patron saint of Arcevia. Of the same artist there are also other outdoor interventions, in three castles of the municipality: the coat of arms and the ceramic dial of the public clock at Piticchio, a lunette depicting Sant’Agata, above the portal of the parish church of Castiglioni, and a fresco depicting Saint Peter, in the homonymous castle of Arcevia.

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"Il murale di Arcevia. 1981/2019" (2019) - Leonardo Cemak

Mural of 60 square meters made by the artist from Marche, which reinterprets the original one of his master Aurelio C.(Aurelio Ceccarelli, Fabriano 1924 – Sassocorvaro 2014), irreparably damaged by time, completed in 1981.

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"Anima Mundi"(2011), Elena Saracino - "Locked Motion"(2011), Tanya Preminger

Stone sculptures made by the two artists in Sant’Ippolito (PU) during the event “Sculpting in the square” XII ed., purchased by the Red Gorge Park and Frasassi to place them at the east and west entrance of Arcevia (park gates called “The landscape”).

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Cippo for di Braccio Da Montone (2007)

This stone was installed by the municipality of Arcevia to commemorate, 600 years after the event, the battle and liberation of Rocca Contrada (today Arcevia) from the siege of Ludovico Migliorati and Angelo della Pergola, thanks to Braccio da Montone, famous captain of fortune, who became lord of the city.

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Mazzarini house (1965)

Using the ruins of the farmhouse of the peasant family of Mazzarini, the town has created a monument with memorial stone, flag raising and brazier, to remember the theater of one of the bloodiest massacres of the Nazi Marche Region, which took place on May 4, 1944, when the members of the Mazarini family were exterminated along with the partisans hosted.

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Minatore lamp (2017)

Built on a larger scale and donated by the Arcevian miner Pietro Francesco Befera in memory of the sulfur mine of Cabernardi, the largest in Europe. Located on the top of Monte S. Angelo in 2017, towards Cabernardi.

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War Memorial of the State Police (2011) - Bruno d'Arcevia

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the master created this bronze monument next to the thousand-year-old abbey church of Monte Sant’Angelo, a place of worship dedicated to the State Police.

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Murales (2017) - Moneyless

The Milanese artist has created for the “Pop Up Festival!” murals on some buildings in the former Cava Mancini of Arcevia. Another intervention was made at the San Settimio Private Reserve in Palazzo di Arcevia.

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The Nature of Resistance (2015) - Zio Ziegler

The Californian artist has created in Arcevia his first Italian outdoor work, thanks to his participation in the “Pop Up! Festival”. The mural is inspired both by the Partisan Resistance against the Nazi-Fascists, here on Mount S. Angelo the famous massacre took place, and by the Resistance of nature that is re-appropriating the Cava, thanks to a project of environmental redevelopment.

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Atlante (1988) - Bruno d'Arcevia

Bronze statue (h 176 cm) made by the Master, placed in 2009 at the roundabout of Conce, with the economic contribution of the Province of Ancona

Paraiso (2015) - Zosen

Hispanic-Argentinian artist Zosen, thanks to his collaboration with “Pop Up! Festival”, has literally covered with its small and joyful figures the headquarters of the biological Cooperative La Terra e Il Cielo in Piticchio, creating a large mural entitled “Paraiso”. An arabesque made of trees, plants, geometric patterns and brightly colored symbols that plunges the viewer into a playful atmosphere. The collective “Coloro del Colore Naturale”, local artists and some collaborators of the Cooperative also participated in the realization of the mural.

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"Discesa sotto il baleno" (2021) - Federico Zenobi

The street artist Federico Zenobi wanted to pay homage to the work of Bruno d’Arcevia, in the hometown of the great master from the Marche region, creating a splendid mural a few meters from his studio. Thanks to the organization of Atgtp (Associazione Teatro Giovani Teatro Pirata), the artist Jesino creates a mural on a wall of 9 meters, inspired by the work of the master D’Arcevia “Descent under the whale” (2014).

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